What country are you calling 0870 numbers from?

Call 0870 numbers from abroad

0870 numbers are Non-geographic Premium rate numbers, so they typically cost more to call than normal geographic numbers beginning with 01, 02, etc. They are commonly used by technical support departments and travelling agency firms,but are used by other commercial enterprises that can justify their service charge and the costs can be used to subsidize their business. They cost more than 7p per minute to call and are regulated by the Phone-paid Services Authority. According to Ofcom, the service charges do not exceed 13p per minutes. The other expense, the access charge can reach up to 20p per minute for landlines and up to 65p per minute for mobiles.

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Numbers from 0870 numbers

Like regular Premium rate numbers, companies, establishments or services using 0870 numbers must now fully display their service charge wherever they publicise their number. Not all services can use 0870 numbers and benefit from the service charges that come with them. In 2005 the NHS phone services were banned from using 0870 prefixed numbers due to protests of patients who believed the call costs were unfair and shouldn’t be used by a system that claimed to give free healthcare. However this ban did not have the exact intended result for two reasons. Firstly, it was discovered that in 2010, 5 years after the mandate was passed many NHS institutions still hadn’t complied with giving up their 0870 number. Secondly as a result a lot of these NHS services moved to 0844 or 0845 numbers since they were not included in the prohibitive legislation and they were still able to achieve premium rate charges from these lines.

The reason 0870 numbers usually can’t be called from abroad is because revenue sharing and the giving out of commission is quite simple when done within a fixed region where the telco and terminating telco are in the same country. However when calls are made from abroad, it becomes much more complicated. That’s why numbers with these prefixes are often left out of Telecoms interconnect agreements or overlooked by overseas providers who don’t want to go through the trouble of routing the call.


0870 numbers were introduced in 1996 and at the time was capped at the same rate as geographical numbers. The 0870 prefix had completely replaced the 0541 and 0990 prefixes by 2001. However, since the 0870 numbers were supposed to correspond to geographic number rates when they became left out of package arrangements, it began to be a way for companies to capitalise on its higher rates. This was due to landline providers offering inclusive packages for 01 and 02 numbers which drove down the prices of these numbers. However 0870 numbers were not included in these calling packages and a large price gap grew between them and geographical numbers and soon mobile operators charged 0870 at even higher rates, so national rate was a false term to advertise for numbers prefixed with 0870.

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