With Losali you can finally call all UK numbers including toll free numbers and premium rate numbers (08 etc.) from abroad.
These special numbers are normally only available from the U.K and without Losali, a simple situation could turn out to be an ordeal from abroad as for example:
Taking or cancelling a subscription.
Contact with U.K administrations.
Contact with banks, insurance companies and after-sales services.
Cancellation or renewal of a credit card.
Obtaining U.K television by satellite.
Losali is easy to use, immediate and hassle-free. Just call our number in your country (without 00 or 44 code) and the cost of your call will be directly deducted from your phone bill.
At the beginning of the call you will hear the price of your call, then you will only have to dial the number of your correspondent after the sound signal followed by the # key, and you are connected… as if you were in the country!